
"This is all awesome! In a world full of BS and disappointments, SuperSleep is a refreshing solution for change and improvement. Thanks."

"The CDs are more than amazing. They are truly breathtakingly life changing and it has given me so much hope."
Josephine J

"Nowhere. That's where I would be without the tools you have given me over the years for self awareness and betterment. Thank you for helping me in this long journey of discovery.”

"Please accept my most sincere gratitude because your CD's have changed my life and the life of my 2 sons; and to know that it is so simple is wonderful. Blessings!”

Dr. Mahaney's methods work like magic, and they're effortless!

-Tony Robbins , world authority on Neuro-Linguistic programming


Change Your Mind- SuperSleep® your way to a better life!

Change Your Mind While You Sleep: SuperSleep® is the  EASIEST personal and professional transformation program available.  Simply play an MP3 while you sleep, and change effortlessly. Dr. Teri Mahaney is the international expert on the neuroscience of re-coding the theta brain state. She synthesized several proven elements in her program: her 20+ years of research and client observation; theta brain state research; Suggestopedia research, music and statement cadencing; researched suggestion statements; and her single minded commitment to your success. Use her practical tools to reach your next level.

For twenty-five years, my best client has been myself!

Teri Mahaney, PhD    Creator of the Program

This program has helped:

NFL, NBA, NCAA athletes
Concerned parents
Struggling business people
Unconfident adults and kids
Anxious adults and kids
Underachieving students
Adults with dysfunctional pasts
Those seeking motivation and direction, clarity and purpose, balance  and harmony, prosperity and ease.

And it can help you too!


this short video on how theta shapes your life.  


to this audio sample from the Money Series – Open to Wealth MP3.


to Teri talk about her program.

Part 1 (39 min) covers how the program started, subliminal research, examples and stories.

Part 2 covers how to use the program, what to expect listening to a SuperSleep® recording and the answers to the most commonly asked questions.