Change the way you choose a partner, bond, and interact with

The Loving Partnership series -- a 6 CD series

Buy the complete 6 CD series and save $20

Series Price: $100 (plus shipping & handling)

Individual CD: $20 (plus shipping and handling)

1. Release Past Relationships

A great CD if you have not moved beyond past relationships or are emotionally affected by partners from the past. Listen alone or with a partner (also see Release Your Past # 2 in the Empowerment series and Transcend Cause and Effect # 2 in the Spirituality series).

It addresses seeing past relationships clearly, releasing and forgiving, grieving and completing, letting go, and moving on.

It has 180 different suggestion statements which include:

  • I release and forgive myself for all I have allowed to happen in past relationships
  • I dissolve all imbalances on the soul level around holding on for the wrong reasons
  • I grieve and complete and move on to healthy, loving, fulfilling relationships
  • I am at peace letting go of the past before I know the future
  • I let go and move on in the right way at the right time for the right reasons

2. Loving Courtship

A great CD if you would like to attract a loving partner, are dating, are caught up in a romance, or are making a decision about the next step in a relationship. Listen alone or with a partner (also see Accept Changes and Face Your Future # 6 in the Empowerment series).

It addresses attracting a loving partner, romance, fantasy & illusion, loving courtship.

It has 180 different suggestion statements which include:

  • I attract a loving partner who can and will co-create a mutually loving and supportive relationship with me
  • I maintain my personal balance and sense of self throughout the romance, fascination, and enchantment stages of courtship
  • I dissolve all imbalances on the soul level around dysfunctional patterns of romance, fantasy and illusion
  • I make the transition from dating to courtship with the right loving partner at the right time for the right reasons
  • I use courtship to determine compatibility and the possibility for a committed relationship

3. Loving Commitment

A great CD if you are considering making a commitment, are evaluating a commitment you have made, are ending a commitment, or would like to renew a commitment. Listen alone or with a partner (also see Live Your Spiritual Purpose and Manifest With Ease # 4 dn # 5 in the Spirituality series).

It addresses commitment, betrayal, being left/leaving another, loving endings, mutual conscious loving commitment, co-creating mutual conscious loving commitment.

It has 180 different suggestion statements which include:

  • I recognize the sign of authenticity is the willingness to take a stand and declare it
  • I dissolve all imbalances on the soul level around making and keeping a commitment to the wrong person
  • I am clear in my motives, purpose, and intentions for a commitment
  • We mutually accept the responsibility for maintaining the commitment
  • We uphold our loving commitment during tough times and challenges

4. Loving Intimacy

A great CD if you are considering an intimate relationship or are involved in an intimate relationship. Listen alone or with a partner (also see Claim Your Personal Power and Speak Up for Yourself # 4 and # 5 in the Empowerment series).

It addresses intimacy, co-engaging in loving intimacy, sexual intimacy, co-engaging in sexual intimacy.

It has 180 different suggestion statements which include:

  • I transform the abstraction of intimacy into common everyday loving interactions
  • I dissolve all imbalances on the soul level around false models and false standards of intimacy
  • I am intimate for the right reasons with the right people
  • We develop and maintain balance among the various types and dimensions of intimacy
  • We engage in loving sexual intimacy with a sacred sense of connection and connectedness

5. Loving Partnership 1

A great CD if you are desiring a partnership, preparing for a partnership, or trying to improve a partnership. Listen alone or with a partner (also see Love Yourself # 2 in the Loving Relationships series and the Empowerment series).

It addresses myths/expectations, projection, dependence/ interdependence, loving bonding and partnering, loving support and appreciation.

It has 180 different suggestion statements which include:

  • I claim my divine birthright to have and maintain a loving partnership in joy and grace
  • I dissolve all imbalances on the soul level around expecting too much or too little
  • I lovingly bond with a partner that honors, acknowledges, nurtures and supports my authentic self
  • I open to having my needs met in loving, healthy, harmonious ways
  • I feel equally loving and powerful when I take care of myself, take care of others and allow others to take care of me as appropriate

6. Loving Partnership 2

A great CD if you are establishing a partnership, improving an existing partnership, or taking new directions in a partnership. Listen with your partner (also see Open to Love # 1 in the Loving Relationships series).

It addresses co-creating our loving partnership, co-maintaining our loving partnership, co-engaging in loving partnership with loving intention.

It has 180 different statements which include:

  • We accept our loving partnership is not perfect, pure, ideal or absolute
  • We recognize, clarify and understand what is really going on in our relationship
  • We co-create our loving partnership with our willingness and ability to change and be changed equally
  • We demonstrate love in appropriate ways for each of us regularly and often
  • We intend and accomplish living in loving mastery

Change Your life with products by Dr. Teri Mahaney, the leading expert in the field.
P.O. Box Box 422, Carlsbad, CA 92018 U.S.A