Change your relationship with money, work and wealth with

the Money series -- a 6 CD set

Buy the complete 6 CD series and save $20

Series Price: $100 (plus shipping & handling)

Individual CD: $20 (plus shipping and handling)

1. Open to Wealth

A great CD if you have a history of lack and limitation or you are feeling out of the flow (also see Achieve Success # 6 in the Success series and Manifest With Ease # 5 in the Spirituality series).

It addresses money myths, abundance & prosperity, creating, accumulating & maintaining wealth.

It has 180 different suggestion statements which include:

  • I access the multilayered dimensions of wealth and wealth creation
  • I master the principles of creating, accumulating and maintaining wealth
  • I dissolve all imbalances on the soul level around the conflict between materialism and spirituality
  • My ultimate goal is to increase the quality of life for myself and others
  • Being wealthy has all positive outcomes for me now

2. Heal Your Money Wounds

A great CD if you have an unhealthy relationship with money (also see Love Yourself # 2 in the Loving Relationships series and Open to Healing # 1 in the Healing & Wellness series).

It addresses money wounds & dysfunction, poverty / scarcity / deprivation, affluence, having a healthy relationship with money.

It has 180 different suggestion statements which include:

  • Money is my friend, and I have a healthy relationship with it
  • I dissolve all imbalances on the soul level around family and generational money wounds and dysfunction
  • I move beyond poverty, scarcity and deprivation to a life of prosperity, abundance and ease on all levels
  • I relate to myself and others in easy, natural ways, regardless of economic status
  • I take positive, effective actions to develop and maintain a balanced, fulfilling relationship with money

3. Achieve Right Livelihood

A great CD if you are dissatisfied with your work and/or career (also see Live Your Spiritual Purpose # 4 in the Spirituality series).

It addresses working, job hunting, choosing & changing careers, right livelihood.

It has 180 different suggestion statements which include:

  • I give myself permission to be paid for having fun and enjoying myself
  • I respect the gifts I bring to the world of work, and I choose work and workplaces that respect those gifts
  • I dissolve all imbalances on the soul level around giving up my right livelihood for security and approval
  • I dissolve all imbalances on the soul level around giving up security and approval for right livelihood
  • I get the perfect job in the perfect way: I do the perfect things for the perfect pay

4. Manage Your Money Flow

A great CD if you would like to manage your money more effectively (also see Be Proactive and Achieve Success # 1 an # 6 in the Success series).

It addresses financial values & goals, budgeting, spending & debt, managing my money flow.

It has 180 different suggestion statements which include:

  • Money flows through my life in a constant, consistent, supportive supply
  • I align my goals with what I want to be, what I want to do, and what I want to have
  • I dissolve all imbalances on the soul level around not meeting my financial obligations
  • I put my time and energy into something more satisfying than shopping and spending
  • I manage my money flow efficiently and effectively, and it supports my freedom and spontaneity

5. Invest Profitably

A great CD if you want to begin investing or improve your return on investments (also see Love Yourself # 2 in the Loving Relationships series and Manifest With Ease # 5 in the Spirituality series).

It addresses educating myself, planning for the future, choosing investments, investing profitably.

It has 180 different suggestion statements which include:

  • I educate myself to be an efficient, effective and profitable investor
  • I have a clear idea of what I want to be, do and have, and I plan accordingly
  • I dissolve all imbalances on the soul level around investing in the wrong things
  • I put the right percentage and amount of money into each investment category as appropriate
  • I choose the right investments at the right time in the right way for the right reasons

6. Give Purposefully

A great CD if you want to begin a giving program or improve your existing giving program (also see Ground Your Spirituality and Live Your Spiritual Purpose # 1 and # 4 in the Spirituality series).

It addresses clarifying my values, planning my giving, choosing receivers, giving purposefully.

It has 180 different suggestion statements which include:

  • I see myself as a shepherd of my money, and I tend it wisely and responsibly
  • I dissolve all imbalances on the soul level around going unconscious around giving
  • I am clear on what I want my giving to accomplish
  • I am confident of how, when and where to distribute my resources, and I do so in grace
  • My purposeful giving supports what I want to express in the world

Change Your life with products by Dr. Teri Mahaney, the leading expert in the field.
P.O. Box Box 422, Carlsbad, CA 92018 U.S.A